Thursday, February 26, 2009


Samhain Skinny Bones ©
by Jean Michel

Samhain Skinny Bones,
Samhain Skinny Bones,
Why do you wail and crow

You call your jester
From a bail of hay
To watch him cleave and sow

Samhain Skinny Bones,
Samhain Skinny Bones,
Dancing through the stalks

Find a child that is pink and round
Gobble him bottom to top

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Trouble With Miss Switch - Continued

Just trying to flesh out the composition a bit more before I tighten up the sketches. I think I need to make Rupert's face a might bit friendlier and Amelia's face a hair less manly.

The Trouble With Miss Switch

I don't know if any of you remember, but in 1980 there was something called the ABC Weekend Special and it was a Saturday morning cartoon showcase. Every week they would play a new story and two of my favorites when I was a kid were called "The Trouble With Miss Switch" and the sequel "Miss Switch to the Rescue"

They were about this little girl and boy who realize one day that their substitute teacher is a witch.

This is a sketch of Miss Switch in her day time school marm gear and her night time sexy witch duds.

You can watch the cartoons here if you want,
but just realize they do not hold up very well. Love the music though.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Midget Boy Mechanic

So, this is the main character of my giant robo story. I still don't have a name that's stuck yet, but I've been kicking around the name David, but I thought that might be a bit cliche. David and Goliath and all that.

He's twelve years old and he's a midget or dwarf or little person. I'm not too sure what the appropriate nomenclature is these days.

Giant Robo Knight

So this is another story that I came up with back in '99 or 2000. It's a giant robo story that takes place in the future when wars are fought in a monumental sized arena between the nations of the world by each countries giant robot warriors. It's kinda like the Olympics, but instead of just glory and gold medals, the prizes are political spoils.

This particular image is of the UK's bot which is a centaur knight. The main character of the story is the pilot of this bot.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Great American Steampunk Novel

These are characters from a steampunk story I'm writing. The girl is a maniacal and sadistic princess in the story. The Beast is an empathic aqua/terra type beast.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

They're Coming!!!

I've finally begun the inks for the Zombie Baby Parade. You can read the poem and find the initial sketches in ye olde blog archives.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Weird Illo

This is an illustration I keep coming back to and tweaking and working on. Think I may start playing around with it again.