The Horrors never returned my emails, but Amanda from the Psycho 78's dropped me a line one day and told me how much she dug Lady Frankenstein here, so I adapted her and tailored her for the 78's and the result is something I'm really happy with:

Inspired by the trailer I saw for the upcoming roller derby flik with Kristin Wiig; I've done a bunch of sketches of pin-up girls related to the derby outfit closest to my heart and house, the Hudson Valley Horrors based in Kingston, NY where I lived for a few years.
I haven't done the final inking on it, but I really wanted to try out some colors on her, so I just did this kinda slap dash in Photoshop. It still needs a lot of work, and I've got issues with some of my color choices, but overall, I think it'll be kinda bad@ss once it's done.
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